
Tuesday, February 5, 2019

On to a New Year!

Christmas has come and gone.  I'm always slow at taking down the decorations, mainly because the arduous task of getting the boxes out of the garage.  Our garage has become a storage unit - but, that's a whole other story!  LOL!

This year I made a quilt for a dear friend of ours, his name is CF.  My hubby Steve worked with CF for years and they developed a great friendship, one of admiration and respect.  CF's wife came to me and asked if I would make a quilt for him.  I don't normally do commissioned quilts for other people due to the time constraints, but this one I knew would be a "thank you" quilt for all of the help CF has given Steve.  I think it turned out really well.  Can you tell that CF is a Dallas Cowboy fan?  It was our gift to CF - how can you charge someone for a quilt when they have been such a great friend?  This quilt was a labor of love for sure!